Stressed out silly.

dear internet diary,

School has been hectic. Today I’m going to be discussing bullying and how I deal with it.

My school is filled with kind people don’t get me wrong, however there are the occasional kids who “joke” around with others.


Girls to boy:

“Why are you wearing a girls jacket? *insert annoying laugh here* ”

“My grandma has the same jacket! *insert another annoying laugh here*”


*stares off into the distance looking irritated*

In a situation like this, think for a second… what would you do?

For me, I tend to stand up for people quite a bit. I’m that girl in school that gets “offended by everything” but it’s not like I care.

I think the majority of teenagers wouldn’t think of jokes being discriminatory. We just get on with our lives and roll our eyes.

It’s trash.

I want to get rid of the stereotype where people say :

“Oh teenagers are just immature and will say whatever, blah blah blah”.

TEENAGERS DO NOT HAVE TO BE IMMATURE. TEENAGERS DO NOT HAVE TO BE JOKINGLY DISCRIMINATORY. I am so sick of my peers not standing up against racism, sexism, ableism, etc just because they think it is a mere “joke”.

I’m done with my rant, I’ll try to post more often.




Hi all!

Okay guys, so I decided to keep this blog up and running. I’ll be updating it with photos of me and kind of do like a diary thing with it.


School has been okay. I tend to be a bit of a kiss ass around teachers, but I love doing it you know? It’s almost as if I give no sh*ts what my peers think.. where will they be when I need to pay bills or do anything “adulty” ? However, I tend to see that I feel lonely having that mind set. Only having one close friend, but she’s what keeps me going (fun wise). Anyways, above you can see a photo of I taking 10 mL of water from a small creek next to my high school.  We tested the phosphate level and it showed we have excellent and healthy phosphate levels in our cutie lil river 🙂 I’ll keep posting about random stuff in my life, like I said, this will be an internet diary. Stay tuned!


7:17 PM


pressure ‘n boys.

Hi all!

This week was my first full week of high school! 😮

it was very fun but.. I did get picked on and I also got offered drugs twice. yikes.

i got a boyfriend too (ive known him for awhile) he’s great (: i just need to keep my priorities in the right place and I need to never lose my self respect.

things have been wild, i got lost a lot within the school, im so crazzzyyyyy I was late to class by twenty minutes </3

SO MUCH HOMEWORK! i want to be good in school, i want to be able to say NO to anything that people offer me (that I’m not comfortable with) but what do I do if I don’t want to disappoint people?


Hello everyone!

Hi guys I know it has been awhile since I have posted but yesterday was the day before school started!

I got to take my student ID photo and I thought it turned out pretty well. (ill post a photo here soon!)

i still havent gotten my school supplies yet and today was supposed to be the first day…

the reason i say “supposed” to be my first day is because, all the teachers from my town are on strike!

yes, it is crazy. So, I’m not sure if I even have school tomorrow or the next day haha.

v I’ll keep this blog updated and inform you on all my observations. here is todays post v

People, anxiety, fear, oh my!

Well, yesterday was my first time being surrounded by incoming freshmans so we could all take our student ID photo and I was terrified.

I have one friend attending the same school as I because we both decided to go their together. (Most of our friends chose to go to private high school. Honey, that is ten grand a year I did NOT want to be worrying about!)

Anyways, back to my friend, I clung on to her like I cling on to my pillow when my dad tells me it is time to wake up.

There is so much I want to tell you all, I will try and keep it short.

lots.of.cute.boys.and.girls. ❤ so many! I will post a picture of the outfit I wore for yesterday and a pic of my student ID later.

Keep up with this blog if you want to see more of my high school experience 🙂 I’ll post when my first day of school arrives.


so soon,

Hello all.

I just found out I got accepted to the high school out of my district so that is exciting 🙂 stay tune in a few weeks to see what I thought about my first day.

See ya soon!

ill also be posting pics from back to school shopping c: and whatever else.

~ clarissa

hello viewers.

A little about myself…

I’m a loner. I don’t have much friends & talking to people kind of irritates me. Especially if they are the generic mainstream music listeners who are obsessed with posting their whole relationship status on social media.

Then again,

I’ll be posting my whole high school life on social media. From which classmates annoy me most to what teachers are down right crazy. Also, I’ll probably post all the observations I have of a public high school because

dun dun dun

I’ve never been to a public school. I spent 10 years, Pre-K through 8th grade, in a school where I was stuck with the same class mates for most of my life. You know how when you alternate classes you have different students in that class and whatnot? Yeah, that never happened with me.

Every subject I studied, every class I was in, it was always the same students. My whole grade only consisted of about 20 student maybe 21-22 being the highest.

So, high school, let alone a public one, is well worth blogging about by a private school lonier girl.

Anyways, sorry for having such a long introduction.

My name is Clarissa and I hope you have fun reading about my HS life.
