hello viewers.

A little about myself…

I’m a loner. I don’t have much friends & talking to people kind of irritates me. Especially if they are the generic mainstream music listeners who are obsessed with posting their whole relationship status on social media.

Then again,

I’ll be posting my whole high school life on social media. From which classmates annoy me most to what teachers are down right crazy. Also, I’ll probably post all the observations I have of a public high school because

dun dun dun

I’ve never been to a public school. I spent 10 years, Pre-K through 8th grade, in a school where I was stuck with the same class mates for most of my life. You know how when you alternate classes you have different students in that class and whatnot? Yeah, that never happened with me.

Every subject I studied, every class I was in, it was always the same students. My whole grade only consisted of about 20 student maybe 21-22 being the highest.

So, high school, let alone a public one, is well worth blogging about by a private school lonier girl.

Anyways, sorry for having such a long introduction.

My name is Clarissa and I hope you have fun reading about my HS life.
