Hello everyone!

Hi guys I know it has been awhile since I have posted but yesterday was the day before school started!

I got to take my student ID photo and I thought it turned out pretty well. (ill post a photo here soon!)

i still havent gotten my school supplies yet and today was supposed to be the first day…

the reason i say “supposed” to be my first day is because, all the teachers from my town are on strike!

yes, it is crazy. So, I’m not sure if I even have school tomorrow or the next day haha.

v I’ll keep this blog updated and inform you on all my observations. here is todays post v

People, anxiety, fear, oh my!

Well, yesterday was my first time being surrounded by incoming freshmans so we could all take our student ID photo and I was terrified.

I have one friend attending the same school as I because we both decided to go their together. (Most of our friends chose to go to private high school. Honey, that is ten grand a year I did NOT want to be worrying about!)

Anyways, back to my friend, I clung on to her like I cling on to my pillow when my dad tells me it is time to wake up.

There is so much I want to tell you all, I will try and keep it short.

lots.of.cute.boys.and.girls. ❤ so many! I will post a picture of the outfit I wore for yesterday and a pic of my student ID later.

Keep up with this blog if you want to see more of my high school experience 🙂 I’ll post when my first day of school arrives.


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