Hi all!

Okay guys, so I decided to keep this blog up and running. I’ll be updating it with photos of me and kind of do like a diary thing with it.


School has been okay. I tend to be a bit of a kiss ass around teachers, but I love doing it you know? It’s almost as if I give no sh*ts what my peers think.. where will they be when I need to pay bills or do anything “adulty” ? However, I tend to see that I feel lonely having that mind set. Only having one close friend, but she’s what keeps me going (fun wise). Anyways, above you can see a photo of I taking 10 mL of water from a small creek next to my high school.  We tested the phosphate level and it showed we have excellent and healthy phosphate levels in our cutie lil river 🙂 I’ll keep posting about random stuff in my life, like I said, this will be an internet diary. Stay tuned!


7:17 PM


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